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Do you need to take supplements? My short answer would be NO, but it depends. If your current diet is full of highly processed foods, you may be deficient in many nutrients that your body requires to function optimally. There’s currently a huge market for supplements,...

11 Steps to Shedding Pounds: Reduce Stress for Effective Weight Loss

Stress is a common occurrence in everyday life. Did you know it could be hindering your weight loss efforts? Chronic stress elevates the hormone cortisol, which can increase appetite for high-fat, high-sugar foods, leading to weight gain. Moreover, stress affects our...

9 Tips for Best Quality Sleep

Sleep is important when it comes to losing body fat or gaining muscle. A chronic lack of quality sleep can increase body fat, age us a lot faster, lower testosterone (key hormone for muscle building), and make us more prone to chronic illnesses. Melatonin is a hormone...

What is NEAT?

NON-EXERCISE ACTIVITY THERMOGENESIS This is unplanned activity throughout the day where we expend extra calories without even thinking about what we’re doing. When we move about – making food in the kitchen or taking the dog for a walk – we’re expending energy. Hence,...
9 Tips for Best Quality Sleep

9 Tips for Best Quality Sleep

Sleep is important when it comes to losing body fat or gaining muscle. A chronic lack of quality sleep can increase body fat, age us a lot faster, lower testosterone (key hormone for muscle building), and make us more prone to chronic illnesses. Melatonin is a hormone...

What is NEAT?

What is NEAT?

NON-EXERCISE ACTIVITY THERMOGENESIS This is unplanned activity throughout the day where we expend extra calories without even thinking about what we’re doing. When we move about – making food in the kitchen or taking the dog for a walk – we’re expending energy. Hence,...


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